Sunday, September 28, 2008
Ali has two teeth! They have been trying to come in for the past few weeks. They have popped up now on the bottom and they are sharp! You have been able to feel them for the last week, but now they are easily seen. Although, it is impossible to get a picture of them. I'll keep trying.
Sippy Cups

Tonight the girls had their hands on sippy cups for the first time. They knew to put them up to their mouth and start sucking, but they were confused when I titled the cups up so that they could get something out of them. I mixed some juice and water, but I had a little to much water because what I tasted was nasty. No wonder they wanted to play with the cups more than drink from them. Oh well, it was a new experience. They are growing up so fast.

Last seen on 19th Street. Blue in color. Country decorations throughout. Average size.
Our living room is disappearing. I've slowly been moving out things to make room for all the toys. Some evenings there are toys from one side to the other. Here's the room during a good time. Some days it looks worse.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wanted to share some pictures
Ali is going to quickly learn the word "NO!" I can only imagine all the notes home we will get from school.

Now that they are mobile they think that is fun to roll under the couch or ottoman. At least we will know where to look when one is missing.
Ali has decided in the last week that she will begin crawling. I can't tell you the exact day that she truly started, but she is doing it now. Here are two pictures on her way to get the ring.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sick Kids
My girls have decided that for the past two weeks that they want to be sick. Emma started with a cold and then an ear ache. Just as she got better Ali got the cold and an ear ache in both ears. Emma's cold came back and I was worried that so had her ear ache. Of course not that would be to easy. Instead the cold has moved into her chest and she has bronchitis. She now gets a breathing treatment every 4 hours or as needed. What happened to my healthy kids? They just also had their 6 month check-up. The doctor's office likes to see me come through the in their pockets. Today I got the machine to give Emma her breathing have to purchase rentals. We don't have any money as it is. I'm not sure where the money is going to come from to pay the credit card bill when it comes. 6 office visits in the last 2 weeks at 25 dollars a visit adds up. Then you have the medicine to pay for and a stupid breathing treatment machine. So we are the proud owners of some machine that cost way to much and I hopefully don't have to use to much longer. They told me this would clear up in a few days. We'll see about that. I'm sure it will just lead into something else. Being a working mom when your kids are sick sucks! It's wearing me down emotionally.
Dumb Mom or Strong Emma?
On Sunday instead of doing lunch at mom's house we decided to go out. I had a gift certificate for Wood Grill, plus they had just run coupons in the paper. We had just started to enjoy our lunch when there it came in slow motion. I had Emma in her car seat on the nice wooden stand that they have. I had her pulled up close so that she didn't miss a thing and I could hand her toys as I ate. Well she decided to start kicking. No big deal she kicks all the time. Except she was kicking and pushing against the edge of the table. Back her car seat and the stand went with a loud crash on the floor and a loud scream to match. Boy did I feel stupid as the two nearest waitresses came running and everyone around us was looking. So you answer the question...was I dumb or Emma just that strong?
Friday, September 12, 2008
6 Months Old Today

We we have reached a big milestone. Today the girls turned 6 months old. Somedays I wonder where the time has gone and other days feel like forever. I am thankful and blessed to have 2 healthy girls that are growing, happy, and learning each day. Not only did they turn 6 months today but they also had their doctor's appointment. The Doc said that Emma's ear was looking better. That's right all her junk from having a cold gave her an ear ache. I finally broke down and took her to the doc Monday after work. But she is better now. During the doctor's visit today Ali did her fake cough and he thought she was getting the cold now. We said oh no, that's just her fake cough that she does all the time. Silly us! The fake cough is related to her spitting up and something along the lines of acid reflux and we now have some expensive medicine to give her each morning now 30 minutes before she eats. I'm beginning to think that we need to plant a money tree in the back yard to afford these girls. They were fussy tonight from getting their shots and went down early. I need to be heading to bed too. When they wake up at 7am I won't be ready to get up unless I go to bed soon. Just wanted to share a few pictures I snapped this evening on their big day.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Watch Out!
Emma brought home a cold from the babysitter's house the other day and is having a rough time with it. Although she was nice and shared it with mommy. So not only do I have her waking up in the middle of the night because she can't breathe, but I'm up as well feeling like crap. What a great way to spend the weekend. Last night Billy came into our room with Emma in his arms and I thought it was morning and she had woken up early. No, it was only 11pm and she was over there crying because she couldn't breathe. Instead of waking her sister up we let her sleep part of the night with us, but I did move her back to her bed in the middle of the night.
Then there is Ms. Ali who is trying so hard to crawl. For days now she has being going from this rocking motion to almost sitting up. Well tonight she got it down and there she sat. She sat upright and looked around like she had been doing it her whole life. We quickly put some toys in her lap and there she sat playing. We were so excited and then we say it coming. It was a scene from a movie; slowly she started to fall backwards and the loud smack as her head met the floor. Then came the tears. Thankfully it didn't take us long to quiet her down and distract her with new toys. Later while on her tummy she was sitting up again checking the world out. She's afraid she is going to miss something.
Look, I can balance myself!
What's over there? I don't want to miss anything.
Bring on the toys! I'm sitting up and ready to play.
Right after the girls were born we were going to the doctor's office twice a week to check Ali's weight because she wasn't gaining like they wanted. We were all so worried about her, but at the same time knew things would be fine. The doctors weren't making us do anything crazy. Well those days have long gone and now we realize that Ali is going to be the one that we have to watch out for. She is going to be into everything and not miss a beat. The other evening during tummy time she managed to get herself under her bouncy seat. Like I said we are going to have to watch out for her.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
No Time
Just because I haven't taken the time to post anything lately doesn't mean we haven't being doing anything. School is now back in session and keeping me crazy busy with lots of beginning of the year tasks. In fact instead of typing this entry I have a bag full of things to do for school that I should be working on. The girls are sleeping through the night....thank god! I am managing to get them to Tina's and me to school just in time each morning. Every morning that is except last Thursday when I had a little accident. Nothing like taking your eyes off the road for a moment. Thank god the girls were already at Tina's when that happened. The girls will turn six months old on the 12th of this month. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? Billy and I say just about everyday how much they have changed and how we can't believe it. Money is tight and I wonder how we are going to do it, but I am so thankful that the girls are healthy and didn't arrive early creating more hospital bills and worries. Let me rephrase that last statement: Now that there is a babysitter to pay each week there is no money. Speaking of no money I have scheduled the girls 6 month pictures and I know I'll be a sucker and have to get something that doesn't come with the package. Anybody have any good ideas for 6 month old baby pictures? I've asked around and searched on the internet, but I'm not having much luck. I think that's it for random thoughts. The school bag is calling along with the bed. I'm pooped at the end of each day. I used to say I didn't know how stay at home moms did it, but now I'm beginning to wonder how working moms do it.
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