I saw as many as 7 feeding at once, but am told there are at least 12.

Riding granddaddy's four wheeler.

Picking up acorns under the trees.

Drawing with side walk chalk.
So finally we made it to Monterey to visit Billy's parents this past weekend. It's just a job to pack up and go even just for 2 nights. I felt like we were moving out for the week. Going over we stopped at Ali's favorite place to eat dinner, Donald's house, also known as McDonalds. Both girls ate very well. Starting over the 3rd mountain Ali had a funny look on her face and kept rubbing her belly. I thought maybe she ate to much and was getting sick on the mountains, but nothing happened. Once we got to Billy's parents it took her a long time to warm up and act herself. That evening we visited with Randy and Nancy. Saturday we played outside, went to town for lunch, and took a nap, and then to the Earth Roast for dinner. Sunday we headed out mid morning so that we could be home before nap. On the last mountain coming home Ali started saying her tummy hurt. Great, was my thought, but we made it over without her getting sick. Then just as we get on interstate and are 30 minutes from home she decides to throw-up. She hadn't had much to eat that morning for breakfast and I guess her empty stomach couldn't handle it anymore. This will make our trips to Monterey fun, worrying about her getting car sick going over the mountains.