So since school started I have neglected the blog and documenting all the crazy things my girls have done for the past 7 months. I am so mad at myself. My goal is to finish this school year with an update once a week.
Tomorrow my "babies" turn 3! I am so not ready for the small party at mom's house, but it will all come together and be just fine. Stay tuned for pictures of the chicken and truck cakes that the girls requested.
Happy Birthday!
My sweet Emma and Alison
New Beginnings
A journal to remember the journey of starting a new family.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monterey -country fun

I saw as many as 7 feeding at once, but am told there are at least 12.

Riding granddaddy's four wheeler.

Picking up acorns under the trees.

Drawing with side walk chalk.
So finally we made it to Monterey to visit Billy's parents this past weekend. It's just a job to pack up and go even just for 2 nights. I felt like we were moving out for the week. Going over we stopped at Ali's favorite place to eat dinner, Donald's house, also known as McDonalds. Both girls ate very well. Starting over the 3rd mountain Ali had a funny look on her face and kept rubbing her belly. I thought maybe she ate to much and was getting sick on the mountains, but nothing happened. Once we got to Billy's parents it took her a long time to warm up and act herself. That evening we visited with Randy and Nancy. Saturday we played outside, went to town for lunch, and took a nap, and then to the Earth Roast for dinner. Sunday we headed out mid morning so that we could be home before nap. On the last mountain coming home Ali started saying her tummy hurt. Great, was my thought, but we made it over without her getting sick. Then just as we get on interstate and are 30 minutes from home she decides to throw-up. She hadn't had much to eat that morning for breakfast and I guess her empty stomach couldn't handle it anymore. This will make our trips to Monterey fun, worrying about her getting car sick going over the mountains.
Playground Time
Going down the "big" kids slide.

Going down the "little" kids slide.

Going down the "little" kids slide.

So finally after months and months of wanting to go, we finally got the girls to A Dream Come True Playground. They had a blast and caused a few moments of scare. They wouldn't stay on the playground for kids their age, they had to be on the big one. We went on a Sunday morning when most, including us, should be in church so it was not busy at all. Most of the picsI took that morning were of Emma because she was the one that I was following around. We were also the only ones there running around without shoes. The girls think as soon as they get somewhere, doesn't matter where, that they have to take off their shoes.
Bridgewater Lawn Party
They loved getting candy. They thought they had to eat each piece as they got it.

Emma eating her dinner, she LOVES her food.

Then one pic of each girl watching the parade.
As a child I remember going to all the lawn parties and parades around the county each summer. I always looked forward to it. Now I want to share the same fun with the girls. We did the Bridgewater Lawn Party/Parade again this year. We ate lawn party food before the parade and then headed home as soon as the parade was over. We didn't need to fight the craziness of people after the parade, didn't need to ride any rides, and it was also close to bedtime. This year the girls loved the parade. It was super HOT, but I think they enjoyed it.
Back to Work
My summer is almost gone. I have one, that's right, ONE day left home with my girls. We have had a good summer. We've been busy at Kinetic Kids, play dates, and some shopping but at the same time I'm ready to speak with adults every day and not watch so much Disney and Nick Jr TV. As the girls nap/sleep schedule allows I'll update the blog with some of our recent activities.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The one thing I noticed the most when returned from the beach was how our grass had turned brown. Our first week back didn't help either. Temps around 100 all week and no rain. Finally we are getting a little rain and it almost seems strange to see puddles in the backyard. Although it is a very pleasant one. Now if the grass would just get green again. If you look close you can see puddles under the hammock.
Potty Training Sucks

I don't like failure and right now I feel like a failure when it comes to potty training my girls. They are smart little cookies and can easily tell you when they have peed or pooped. Well getting them to tell you before they do it is a totally different thing. We hit the potty hard before vacation, I was having them sit on it every hour with no success. One evening I left Emma's diaper off and she did pee sitting on an old towel, but all she did was get up say she was wet and move to another part of the towel. Didn't seem to really bother her. Then we went to the beach and took a week back home to recover, so this week we have tried again. I even went and got TWO NEW potty seats. I thought maybe they didn't like the one we had because it had a hard seat. We got one with a really soft seat and one that will play music if there is success. They will seat for me, but just won't go. Ali did pee twice and pooped once last night, but that's been our only success. It also helped that everytime they would sit on it last night I would give them food. I've even put them in pull ups this afternoon, calling them big girl pants and said mommy would have to work hard to clean them out if the went in them like a baby diaper. That didn't work either. I'm about ready just to give up. I attempt to bribe them with gummies and M&M's, but that's not getting us anywhere. HELP!
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