I don't like failure and right now I feel like a failure when it comes to potty training my girls. They are smart little cookies and can easily tell you when they have peed or pooped. Well getting them to tell you before they do it is a totally different thing. We hit the potty hard before vacation, I was having them sit on it every hour with no success. One evening I left Emma's diaper off and she did pee sitting on an old towel, but all she did was get up say she was wet and move to another part of the towel. Didn't seem to really bother her. Then we went to the beach and took a week back home to recover, so this week we have tried again. I even went and got TWO NEW potty seats. I thought maybe they didn't like the one we had because it had a hard seat. We got one with a really soft seat and one that will play music if there is success. They will seat for me, but just won't go. Ali did pee twice and pooped once last night, but that's been our only success. It also helped that everytime they would sit on it last night I would give them food. I've even put them in pull ups this afternoon, calling them big girl pants and said mommy would have to work hard to clean them out if the went in them like a baby diaper. That didn't work either. I'm about ready just to give up. I attempt to bribe them with gummies and M&M's, but that's not getting us anywhere. HELP!
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