I've been tagged by my friend April. Here goes my attempt to share 7 random/weird facts. Let me say this is very hard to do. I have no special stories.
1. Every night or every other night when I check email I also go to the CBS webpage and read the recaps of TheYoungandtheRestless, TheBoldandtheBeautiful, and AstheWorldTurns. I want to keep up with what is going on so when we have days off, snow days, summer break I can watch and know what is happening.
2. I just got my hair cut short. Everyone has been nice saying they like it, but I hate it. But hey, it's hair and it will grow back.
3. Jealous of all the people out there that have these special talents. Some can sew, cook, scrapbook, blog, make crafts, take photos, and the list could go on. Then there's me still trying to find my niche. I'm good at watching TV. Does that count?
4. Since we have had the girls we have gotten out the "habit" of going to church on Sunday mornings. I am starting to miss it, but at the same time it has been our time to catch up on things around the house or time to nap while the girls are taking their morning nap. Morning nap is also the time that second service, which we once attended, starts.
5. I'm afraid of any type of bug. If it has legs, moves, flies, and doesn't belong in the house then I make Billy come kill it. I don't want to come close to it. For the first 3 years that we have lived in our home we had Dodson come spray for those lovely friends and it was great. Because of money I had to end that service and I've spotted 2 spiders in the house since their last visit. Times are going to be tough next spring when all my creepy, crawly friends are out and about moving again.
6. I miss reading books, but have no time. Well I do have time because I watch lots of TV when I could be reading, but you can do other things while you watch TV. If you are reading that's all you can do. So I would rather watch TV and iron then curl up with a good book.
7. I never went to a high school homecoming dance or prom. I always hung out with the "cool" kids, but always got left out at dance time. To this day I still wonder what it would/could have been like to have gone.
Ok, so I didn't have any super cool stories to share but I tried my best.
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