Tonight the girls are
back home with us sleeping away in their cribs. The past two nights they have stayed with grandma. That was their first sleep over without mommy and daddy there with them. My mom had taken Friday off to watch the girls because Ms. Tina had to be off for a funeral. I had to be at school Thursday evening for a PTA event and mom was going to watch them
anyway Friday night while we went to see Larry the Cable Guy. So it just made the most sense for them to stay Thursday night through Saturday morning. I was there Thursday evening until I had to return to school, I came back by for a few moments after the PTA event, Friday morning before school and Friday afternoon before we came home to get ready for our big night out. So it's not like I dropped them off and didn't return for 2 days. Even with seeing them each day I still missed them and was glad to have them home this afternoon and evening. I'm sure I missed them more than they missed me.
On to other crazy news. Billy has had some trouble with his vision this week and I made him go see a doctor. The family doctor found nothing wrong with him and sent him to an eye doctor. Nothing like an eye doctor basically telling you he has no idea what's wrong with you. Billy has to go for a MRI Wednesday to rule out anything crazy going on and then if that comes back
ok it sounds like we will be going to see an eye doctor at
UVA. Why does something always have to happen to us? Money is tight as it is, and now here come more medical bills. I'm sure there is a lesson that we are supposed to be learning through this trying time, but it hasn't come to me yet.
On to a better note, I'm going to attempt to start the transition to milk this week with the girls. I'm ready to stop buying formula. Any suggestions out there on what to do since we still do a night time bottle? I don't know how I am going to get that away from the girls. Do I just give them a sippy cup of milk? They will drink juice and water from the sippy cup but the few times I've put their formula in it they won't drink from it.