Saturday, February 7, 2009

We are still here

I have been bad about posting anything lately because we have been sick. We have had one round of colds and ear infections, round two of ear infections, and now the croup. I told my babysitter Friday morning before I left for school that I felt like a drug store because I was drugging both girls up before I left. Till we get them in bed at night and take care of the house stuff I have nothing left in me to come upstairs and blog. Oh yeah and in between being sick I am trying to plan their first birthday party. Where has the year gone? I can't believe I have to worry about this already. Tonight as we were giving them their nighttime bottles and Billy was fussing at Alison to sit still and I told him not to fuss to much because he would be missing those moments in another month or two. This whole transition from bottle/baby food to real people food has been hard for me. I think deep down it's because I know my babies are growing up and aren't babies anymore. I remember when I used to babysit for my "second" family I never remember giving the baby at the time baby food, they just always ate what the big girls and I were eating. So I have no idea why I am making this so hard. But I am getting some things tomorrow at Wal-Mart when we grocery shop and I am going ot make it a point each day to give them some type of real people food besides Cheerios, crackers, and animal cookies.

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