Our family

This was a week of 3's. Billy and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary on June 11th. It's amazing to think that three years have already passed us by. It's also crazy to think how our life has changed in these past three years. To celebrate the girls gave me the gift of a full nights sleep. I awoke to Billy's alarm clock that morning and realized it was the first time I was getting up for the morning. Thanks girls for that great gift! Billy then surprised me with a sweet card. How thoughtful of him. I had nothing on the other hand for him. We had said sometime before that we weren't doing gifts this year, so we both followed that rule. I wasn't upset about that.....our money is disappearing fast now a days on items for the girls. Billy's mom was here so that I could go to lunch with old friends without the girls so she stayed the night so that Billy and I could go out to dinner. We had a great dinner at the Texas Roadhouse. We splurged and ordered an appetizer which is something we never do. We had a great meal and we were still home in time to give the girls a bath before bed and Billy went out an mowed the yard. My mom came by to see the girls and we did the baby thing, while Billy and his mom worked outside. What a great way to spend your anniversary!! It worked for us.

On June 12th the girls turned 3 months old. Where have these past three months gone? I attempted to take some photos today to mark the date, but needless to say that is not a job to be doing at home with two babies by yourself. Both girls were trying to sleep when I decided it was photo time. I was half dressing them. Who needs to waste time buttoning all the buttons and snaps? Trying to get them propped up in the pillows without falling over, trying to get them to look in the general direction of the camera. I would get one dressed and propped up in the pillows and be frantically dressing the second one when the first would fall over or begin crying. Getting two settled and a pictures taken in that split second that everything comes together is not possible. It was one crazy whirlwind. I'm no good at it. The best pictures I got of them during the day where later in the evening when they were laying on a blanket in their onsies kicking and being happy babies.

This week was also big because for the first time I had both girls in cloth diapers. Emma has just about out grown the small size when I finally feel that Ali is big enough to be in them. With two in cloth diapers my trash can feels up fast and I do a load ever other day. I am doing a load now and asked my darling husband to let me know when they were done. Well I've been online 45 minutes and I washed dishes before coming upstairs so I know they are done, but has he let me know yet. Of course not! Sometimes I wonder why I bother to tell him anything.
Well this has been the week of three major events and some of them involving the number 3. Can't wait to see what happens next week.
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