Ali did it today!!!
She decided that she had enough of tummy time and rolled over. I couldn't believe it, so I put her back on her tummy and she did it again. Twice this afternoon when nobody but me was around to see it. When daddy got home I put her on her tummy again and of course she would not do it. Then grandma came over for a little bit this evening and I put her on her tummy and of course she would not do it. But I saw it today, in fact I saw it twice. The picture above was taken after she rolled over!!! I told Emma that she was the big sister and should be doing these things first and she just looked at me like I was crazy. But we will practice again tomorrow.
As a stay at home mom this is how I spend my days. Getting excited when it's tummy time for the girls. Like I've said before I don't know how those stay at home moms do it. Maybe next summer when the girls are older and we can do a little more I'll eat those words, but this summer isn't to much to brag about.
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