Saturday we stayed home all day. We used to always take off some where, but with two babies and no money times have changed. Our great neighbors were outside pressure washing their house and I went to chat while the girls were sleeping. I turned on the monitor and out the door I went. After some nice adult conversation the monitor started to make noise and light up. It was time for them to get up and eat again. They sleep in their own cribs, but while I made the bottles I thought that they would like to be together. I was hoping they wouldn't cry as much if they could see someone instead of an empty crib. As I came back the hall with the bottles in hand I heard this smacking sound and wondered what I was about to find. What I found was Emma smacking Ali in the head and when I asked what they were doing Ali looked up at me with that shy grin on her face like she was going to get out of what trouble they were about to get in. When I had left the room both girls were on their backs side by side. What I came back to was Ali turned over on her tummy but her head going into Emma's tummy when she wasn't holding it up. I guess Emma didn't like the fact that Ali was coming into her personal space and decided to start smacking her in the head. The sad part is that Ali didn't seem to mind, and had the biggest grin on her face when I asked what was going on in that crib. The fun is just beginning. Something tells me that this is only the beginning of many friendly and not so friendly battles.
You are right, it is just the beginning! Many more fights to come! Looks like everyone is feeling better. I hope they sleep well at Tina's tomorrow.
Ah :) They are so cute! Are you about ready to start back to school? this will be the first time in 3 years I don't get to walk through the doors of K-12 :( I sure miss it! My new job doesn't offer "summers off" .....I have never had a job outside of education before so this will be REALLY different....no long extended holiday breaks, no summers, Ouch!
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