Monday, November 10, 2008


Reading books with little sis......or should I say eating books with little sis?

Watch out!!! She's on the move now.

Emma has been a very busy girl this past week. Not only did she catch a lovely cold, have a runny nose, start wheezing, need breathing treatments, start to crawl, and now start to pull herself up on things. It amazes me with being sick this past week how much she has done. Last week she started off with a runny nose and the cold going around Ms. Tina's house. Friday when I picked her up in the afternoon Tina mentioned how bad Emma had been. I knew that I had to go pick up Ali's spit up medicine so while I was that close why not have them check her out. The pharmacy that I use for the girls is right beside the doctor's office. She was wheezing and I had to start breathing treatments and a steroid. Today we went back to be told that she is doing better and to start and decrease the breathing treatments each day.......I think they just wanted my 25 dollar co-pay again.
Pulling herself up.....she's trying her best to catch up with Ali.
Ignore the crying face and you will see the two shining stars coming through. Once again she is trying her best to catch up with Ali.
If Ali can sit under the exersaucer so can Emma!

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