Friday, June 27, 2008

You had to be there

This afternoon Emma and I had one of those moments that I hope I can remember forever. Hopefully this blog entry will also help the cause. This week at home the girls have fallen into a routine. The morning wake up time varies, but we get up between 7 and 8 eat and play for a good hour to hour and half. Then I take them back on mommy and daddy's bed and lay them down for their nap. They go off to sleep with just a little attention from me and usually sleep about 2 hours. Then the whole process repeats itself all day long. The only down side is that they usually wake up at the same time and want to eat at the same time. So I have developed a system with the pillows and a funny sitting position, but they both get to be fed at the same time. This is where and when the moment happened. They had gotten up from their mid-day nap and had been drinking awhile and I knew it was time to stop and burp them both. I have this lovely homemade song that I sing to them. And please remember I was never in choir and can't carry a tune to save my soul. "Burpy time, Burpy time, it's time to stop and burp my baby girls." I know it should be copyrighted because it sounds so good. As I was finishing my song and pulling the bottles out of their mouths Emma gave me this look as if I was skinning a cat and then proceeded to put her hands up over her ears so she didn't have to hear another round of my song. I sat there laughing for a few moments and remembered why I love being a mom even though having twins can be such a struggle it's those moments that make it all worth it.

Wishing there was someone else around today to share the moment with.

1 comment:

Gorby family blog said...

That's so cute! However I'm sure it couldn't have sounded THAT bad?!?