Saturday, March 20, 2010

Enjoying an evening outside

So we had made plans to spend the weekend in Monterey with Billy's parents at the Maple Festival. The original plan was for us to both take off work early, come home to pack, and be at Tina's at 3 when the girls get up from their nap and leave straight from her house. Well he never asked off. Then the plan was to leave Friday evening after work. That almost didn't happen. Billy didn't get home from work until a few minutes after 6, but we hustled and headed out anyway. We knew with the beautiful weather on Saturday that traffic would be crazy if we waited and went Saturday morning. We stopped in Verona at Wendy's to grab some quick dinner and fill the truck up with gas. Just as Billy had stared to eat his burger and I was trying to hand the girls a chicken nugget piece Ali decided to throw up. She continued to throw up until she was covered and crying. We changed her on the bed of the pick up truck and headed home. Saturday morning she still didn't act herself and her ear looked yucky. So off we went to the doctor's office. No ear infection, just ear wax, but the doctor said that her tummy sounded pretty upset. Thankfully we made it through Friday night and Saturday without any more episodes of throwing up. After dinner Saturday evening we headed back outside to play. Ali was finally starting to act herself and the girls had a blast playing. In fact they played so hard that they had to rest in the hammick.

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