Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Girls

I love these pictures!
I have an addiction to buying baby clothes. I loved these shirts and pants. What would I do without Kohl's? As summer has come to an end and I am packing up clothes that are sleeveless or just to small I have come across many, did I say many, outfits that they never worn or wore only once. I would see things and think they were so cute, buy them, and that would be it. We also had lots of friends and family that bought 2 of the same size, but with Ali being so much smaller she missed out on wearing many outfits. Next summer if I do my yard sale of baby things somebody is going to get a steal. New clothes with tags still no for nothing, because you can't price things to high at a yard sale or people won't buy anything.
Ali is so afraid that she is going to miss something that she now pulls herself up on anything that she can get a good handle on. She loves standing up. Before we know it she will start walking.


Gorby family blog said...

Buying for girls is so addicting. I think I need to start having boys...I hear you don't tend to buy as many clothes that way. I'm forbidden to buy ANY clothes for this baby, the poor thing. It is so hard! I know what you mean about the things that only got to be worn once or twice, if at all! Luckily Tonia and I passed things back and forth so many times I think most thing eventually got worn. If there is anything just way too cute to go to a yard sale let me know and I might be able to sneak behind Kevin's back and buy a few things from you :)

Anonymous said...

Look at that head of hair!! Oh my, how precious...

If I have a girl, I will have to send April to your yard sale for me:) She has plenty of experience choosing clothes for little girls at this point!