Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random Thoughts

The girls turned 7 months this weekend. Where does the time go? This time is so much fun. Ali is crawling around and Emma is trying. They can sit and play forever. Although this stage is so much fun, I miss my babies. They aren't my little babies anymore. I think that I get so emotional when I think about it because I know that Billy and I are done having kids. I won't get to experience the excitement of everything in the beginning again. I won't get to hold such a tiny precious life and know that he/she is part me. My "baby" time is over. My babies are growing up. Thank God that they have the sweetest smiles and look at me like I'm the best thing in the world. On Saturday we took them to Wal-Mart to have pictures done. I wanted to see what they could do because I can't afford to buy anything from my photographer who is doing pictures at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. They got some good shots and I was a sucker. So I'll have lots of pictures to share soon. We get to pick them up on the 24th. The first six weeks of school has also come to close and the the second six weeks started today. I have lots of work I should be doing for school concerning progress reports, lesson plans, and general school work but here I am blogging instead.


Gorby family blog said...

I can't wait to see the pictures! I'm glad you found something reasonably priced! I feel so bad for not being able to help you out this time! Between my eye problems and the emergency room visits I guess you gave up hope on me! Can't wait to see your new haircut this weekend!

Iowa State Fans said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I STILL feel that way even after 5 babies...and different from you, mine were all singles, so I was able to have one at a time to savor the baby moments. There is part of me that still yearns for "just one more." While most of the world would think I was crazy, I would not change all the hectic, not to mention BROKE moments we have in our world.

yes, it would be nice to be more financially stable and raising a large family is expensive....no doubt about it. I don't think I could ever say out loud that "maybe just one more" would work in my world....and we'd struggle through as we have with each child.

It amazes me how critical most of society is of large families. There must be some underlying perception that if you have a large family, you are uneducated, living on welfare. I know it is not the "norm" to have large families anymore but all the love we receive and the precious moments we can share as a large family are worth it.

I completely understand when you know that "this is all we are going to have" but there is still a part of me that thinks "maybe one more" would complete the picture...at least in my world.

Enjoy every moment you can with those two beautiful babies. I used to roll my eyes into the back of my head when people would say...."they grow up so fast"....I have a 10,9,6 (almost 5) and a 2 year old and I think "where did the time go" I used to wish for moments where they would hurry up and grow up so they could sit a little earlier, or crawl a little sooner or just maybe WALK because that would make my life so much easier.....

Enjoy each milestone as it happens and savor every moment. :) Your girls are BEAUTIFUL!