Sunday, December 13, 2009


This is something that I am quickly learning about having twins. Wait a second they are now 21 months old, so I don't think I can use the word "quickly" in my first sentence. Let me start again.
There is something that I am learning about having twins. When one is sick the other one is sick and my patience quickly fades. Emma was up most of Friday night crying. I knew something had to be wrong, she doesn't act like that. Saturday morning in the light I noticed that her ear looked totally disgusting. So after an hour at the doctor's office we leave with 2 new meds and an ear infection. Last night (Saturday) Ali was up most of the night fussing. She threw up 2 times in our bed. Thank God for the waterproof mattress pad. This morning they both were so whinny. They both wanted to be in my lap, didn't want to share me, and it I had to get up to do anything Emma just lost it. They refused to eat lunch, so in my harsh voice I got them down from the table and sent them to bed. They were out in no time. I'm sure when you are little like that being sick is horrible because you can't share what's wrong, but it's also horrible on me. I am using their nap time today to do much needed school work and venting here. Hope when they wake up
we will all feel a little better.

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