Friday, July 25, 2008

What happened to my body?

Before kids I didn't think twice about taking a shopping trip with my mom and who ever might be joining us on the adventure. We usually headed 2 hours east to Richmond or 2 hours northeast to Manassas. We would leave early am and not return until 10 or after. We shopped until we dropped and returned home tired but ready to get up and go again the next day. Well since becoming pregnant and now becoming a mom those trips had been halted until yesterday. Mom and I ventured 2 hours north to Hagerstown MD to do some outlet mall shopping and yes we took the girls with us. What else was I going to to do? Give the cat 20 bucks and remind him to feed them throughout the day? So we left mom's house around 8:30am and turned around 7:ooish pm. The day did me in and I felt like I had been run over by a truck. Make that multiple trucks. The girls were great for such a long day and a day so out of their routine. They stayed on their 3 hour eating schedule and took more naps than normal, so how could we say anything? Shopping on the other hand was a little disappointing. We didn't find many good deals for clothes for the girls. Using mom's 30% off last week at Kohl's gave us better prices on Carter's clothes then shopping at the outlet. I was able to find a few fall tops and a pair of pants for school this fall. I also got a great deal on a pair of Bass sandals for next summer. But at times they did become a little fussy and it made it hard to shop. They always wanted to fuss when it was a store mom and I both wanted to shop in so one of us would take them outside. But the day did me in and I was so glad to go to bed last night. But I don't understand how my body has changed so much that I can't handle a day of shopping anymore and it wasn't like the trips we used to do in the good ol' days. Where did that body and spirit go? I have loved my 4 1/2 months home with the girls, but it has gotten me out of shape and very lazy. Last summer my neighbor and I used to walk several evenings a week, this summer the count for walking would be zero. I'll be glad for school to start the middle of August so I can get out and about and moving again throughout the day and stop eating all day long like I do being home with the girls. It's going to be hard going from seeing them all day to seeing them just an hour or so in the morning and a few hours in the evening. I am just thankful that with being a teacher I will have the summers to spend with them. But we did it. The girls had their first of many to come shopping trips. I think it was harder on me than them.

Next week starts the transition days to babysitter. How sad it will be. I won't know what to do with myself while they are there.

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