Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sick Kids

My girls have decided that for the past two weeks that they want to be sick. Emma started with a cold and then an ear ache. Just as she got better Ali got the cold and an ear ache in both ears. Emma's cold came back and I was worried that so had her ear ache. Of course not that would be to easy. Instead the cold has moved into her chest and she has bronchitis. She now gets a breathing treatment every 4 hours or as needed. What happened to my healthy kids? They just also had their 6 month check-up. The doctor's office likes to see me come through the door....money in their pockets. Today I got the machine to give Emma her breathing treatments......you have to purchase them......no rentals. We don't have any money as it is. I'm not sure where the money is going to come from to pay the credit card bill when it comes. 6 office visits in the last 2 weeks at 25 dollars a visit adds up. Then you have the medicine to pay for and a stupid breathing treatment machine. So we are the proud owners of some machine that cost way to much and I hopefully don't have to use to much longer. They told me this would clear up in a few days. We'll see about that. I'm sure it will just lead into something else. Being a working mom when your kids are sick sucks! It's wearing me down emotionally.

1 comment:

Iowa State Fans said...

My heart goes out to you :( I have 5 kiddos and I know when one gets it...it is JUST a matter of time until they ALL get it (usually including us)

And I hear you about the money issues....we live that every day as well. I used to think we are alone. Now I think we are more in the majority now that everything under the sun has gone up to :(

Know that you have someone that sympathizes with you and is sending positive vibes your way :) You are in my prayers as well as those beautiful babies.....take a breather.....tomorrow is another day!