Wednesday, September 3, 2008

No Time

Just because I haven't taken the time to post anything lately doesn't mean we haven't being doing anything. School is now back in session and keeping me crazy busy with lots of beginning of the year tasks. In fact instead of typing this entry I have a bag full of things to do for school that I should be working on. The girls are sleeping through the night....thank god! I am managing to get them to Tina's and me to school just in time each morning. Every morning that is except last Thursday when I had a little accident. Nothing like taking your eyes off the road for a moment. Thank god the girls were already at Tina's when that happened. The girls will turn six months old on the 12th of this month. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? Billy and I say just about everyday how much they have changed and how we can't believe it. Money is tight and I wonder how we are going to do it, but I am so thankful that the girls are healthy and didn't arrive early creating more hospital bills and worries. Let me rephrase that last statement: Now that there is a babysitter to pay each week there is no money. Speaking of no money I have scheduled the girls 6 month pictures and I know I'll be a sucker and have to get something that doesn't come with the package. Anybody have any good ideas for 6 month old baby pictures? I've asked around and searched on the internet, but I'm not having much luck. I think that's it for random thoughts. The school bag is calling along with the bed. I'm pooped at the end of each day. I used to say I didn't know how stay at home moms did it, but now I'm beginning to wonder how working moms do it.

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